My name is Mike Packer. I am so glad you are here!
If you are new, let me introduce myself. I am married to my wonderful wife, Jamie. I have four wonderful kids. I am serving as the Lead Minister of Southeast Christian Church in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Our family has three huskies, Kona, Yukon, and Hazelnut. They are very much part of the family. They are my running partners and my bikejoring / dogsled team!
Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
My hope for this blog is to encourage you and inspire you to live your life to the fullest. Jesus said, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10)
Although, I have certain themes I touch on regularly, I want to give you more. Through this page I hope you will see Jesus clearly, but I also want to share my life with you. (1 Thessalonians 2:8) The best way to make sure you don't miss anything is to subscribe.
I would love to connect with through some other avenues:
Again, thanks for dropping by, I hope you will be encouraged!
In Christ,
Oh, and before I forget, this is my personal blog. The opinions I share are not necessarily those of my employer or any other organization I am associated with. Also, some of the links I post are affiliate links (Amazon Associates, etc.); however, I only recommend resources I use.