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Cancer Diagnosis

Fall Colors

Fall Colors

Over the last few months, I have been experiencing some health issues. Jamie and I thought it would be wise to get them checked out. It was confirmed that I have stage 3 rectal cancer.

When I share this information with people it is usually followed up with a few questions. I thought I would take a few moments and share some of those questions and answers with you.

“How are you doing?”
(This question is usually spoken softly with head tilted to one side.)

I am doing well. Other than the minor symptoms that led to my initial doctor’s visit I feel great. In some ways I am in healthier than I have been since before COVID. So, it is a little surreal that I have cancer; nevertheless, God is my refuge, my strength, and my hope. I trust him completely and I am at peace. Here are a few verses that have dominated my thought life over the past few weeks: Romans 8; 2 Corinthians 4; Psalm 6, and James 1.

A few weeks before I received the diagnosis, I felt God whisper to my heart that I have cancer. I never questioned why, but brought my concerns to him, and ultimately surrendered to his purposes trusting that he would see me through. He has never failed me, he won’t now, and he is giving me his peace.

In the same breath, I have been desperately praying for God to move in a few relationships and few areas of my life and ministry – areas that seem impenetrable. However, this may be the catalyst for God to break into those areas. In some sense this might be an answer to many of my prayers. I’m not saying that God desired for me to have cancer, but I am saying that he will ultimately use it for his glory.

I intend to spend time writing to process how God is sanctifying me through this season and what I believe God is doing. When I do, I plan on sharing that with you.

“What’s the plan?”
Jamie and I know there are a variety of treatment options available. We have chosen, and are at peace with, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. I have also made a few dietary changes. We know this will be a long and hard season of life.

As of today, I plan on continuing to serve Southeast in all my responsibilities. However, I do realize that there may be moments where I need to rest. We have an AMAZING eldership and staff at Southeast, and they are ready to jump in when necessary. (They are also ready to force me to take a break – ha!)

My first dose of chemotherapy is next week. Because I don’t know how my body is going to react to the treatment, I have asked Matt to preach on the 20th. However, I plan on preaching the following weeks and have scheduled my upcoming treatments to give me the most energy for Sundays.

Of course, we make our plans open handed and willing to surrender to God’s desires (Proverbs 16:9, James 4:13-15).

“How can I help?”
Pray.  Pray for me, for Jamie and the kids, and for our Southeast family. I think about how Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Moments like these give opportunity for the enemy to sow lies and bitterness into our lives. However, they are also opportunities for us to draw closer to God and recognize our dependency on Him. And so, I ask you to pray for us to know the depth of his love, to be empowered to walk in obedience to him, and that he would use this season to expand his Kingdom.

Pray especially for Jamie and the kids. I am so very grateful for my family. There are so many sacrifices they make that are unnoticed so that I can have the privilege to serve the kingdom as a preacher. They carry a weight and responsibility that cannot be understood unless you have walked in that path. And now I am afraid their burden will be heavier. Pray that God would give him his strength.

Secondly, love Southeast well. The church is not perfect, and because of this I marvel at Jesus’ willingness to purchase her with his blood. I love the church because Jesus loves the church. He is continuing to cleanse her and equip her. If you are a Christian, you need to belong and be actively involved in the church family. We need to be loved by you, and you need to be loved in return. Love Southeast well.

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:16–18, ESV)

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